Oxford House online
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- Friday, 21 September 2012 16:36
- Written by Andy Kale
The installation of the Oxford House, MB magnetometer station has now been completed and the site is returning data.
RBSP satellites launched
- Details
- Thursday, 30 August 2012 16:04
- Written by Andy Kale
This morning saw the launch of the Radiation Belt Storm Probes - RBSP - from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The $700-million dollar mission involves two satellites, flying on the same orbit, studying the radiation belts. During this mission, the magnetic footprint of the RBSP satellite will at times pass directly over the CARISMA array. During these conjunctions, the CARISMA magnetometer network will enable the magnetic signature of events to be simulatneously monitored both in-situ by the satellites and on the ground. This provides valuable tools for radiation belt science.
For further information on this story, see: